I H S - E T H I O P I A


Save Lives and Support Self-Reliance


Tigray Region

IHS started its humanitarian interventions back 2013 in Endabaguna Eritrean refugees reception center by constructing feeding hall and provision of need based NFIs. In doing so, IHS made its contribution to the protection and wellbeing of Eritrean refugees particularly the most vulnerable children and women.

In 2015, IHS started new partnership agreement with UNHCR and expanded its humanitarian services in areas of Child Protection, WaSH, Livelihood and Community services for these refugees residing in Endabaguna as well as Shimelba camp.

Following the onset of armed conflict in north Ethiopia-Tigray region, people of the region faced humanitarian crises, which needs urgent humanitarian intervention. IHS in partnership with UNHCR, Lumos, UNICEF, IOM, IRC/BHA and NRC/UNICEF has stepped in with different emergency projects to address the critical needs of the affected people. Major projects IHS has been implementing since the onset of the war depicted below:

Integrated Child Protection: IHS through UNHCR, UNICEF and IRC/BHA grant has been implementing an integrated child protection project across different zones and woredas of the region. IHS through this project has been providing CP Case Management service, Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR), CFS services, PSS, need-based capacity development and awareness raising activities.

Protection Monitoring and Solutions: IHS in partnership with UNHCR has been carrying out protection monitoring and solutions activities such as protection identification and registration, awareness raising and information dissemination, referrals, protection counseling, PSS and capacity development. In addition, IHS has been identifying and registering PSNs particularly, PwD and provided with need-based assistive devices and cash support. Furthermore, IHS conducted comprehensive rapid assessment on the humanitarian situation of PwD in Tigray region coupled with different rapid protection assessment reports.

Education in Emergency: IHS through UNICEF fund has been implementing education in emergency project that focused on construction and rehabilitation of classrooms and latrines, provision of scholastic materials to students, capacity building trainings and provision of stationery materials to schools and woreda education bureau.

Construction of Emergency Shelter and Provision of NFIs (ES/NFIs): IHS in partnership with IOM/RRF and UNHCR has carried out core activities such as rehabilitation of individual houses, provision of NFIs and other sanitary and hygiene materials.

By actively engaging in the above thematic areas, IHS is committed to support the immediate and long-term well-being of the Tigray population. Besides, by fostering resilience and providing a supportive environment, IHS endeavors to contribute to the healing and recovery of individuals and communities affected by conflict in Tigray.

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