Water scarcity is a prevalent issue in many regions, and IHS Ethiopia is actively addressing this challenge through our Water Trucking initiative. Our organization has implemented this program to significantly increase water coverage and improve daily access to clean water.
Our dedicated efforts have resulted in the installation of water tanks with a capacity of 25,000 liters at the Alemwach refugee site and water tanks with a capacity of 10,000 liters in temporary settlements for Eritrean refugees in the Northern Gondar, Amhara region. These strategically placed tanks ensure that both refugees and the host community have access to clean water, serving the needs of over 25,000 individuals.
With support from generous partners like RRS and the European Union, we’ve extended our reach even further. We’ve installed water tanks with pipeline systems capable of reaching and serving 11,000 host communities in the Alemwach refugee site area. Our water trucking program ensures that clean water is delivered to those who need it most, significantly improving daily water access.
Our commitment to this endeavor is unwavering, and the impact is evident. Currently, our Water Trucking initiative delivers an average of 896,930 liters of standard water provision daily to benefit more than 55,000 individuals. This initiative is a lifeline, providing a valuable resource for countless communities.